El fracaso del Plan Colombia

Así lo comenta Erik Gould, de The American Prospect.

The Bush administration has praised the U.S. role in the Colombian government’s effort to destroy coca — known as Plan Colombia — for slashing cocaine production and reducing violence in the world’s largest exporter of the drug. But the numbers tell a different story. Although designed to cut Colombia’s coca crop in half, the campaign has neither achieved that nor reduced the availability of cocaine in the United States. The most constructive response from the Bush administration would be to acknowledge this failure, move on, and begin to consider a myriad of other options that might better combat the drug trade. Instead, the Administration continues to opt for the one approach that is proven to not produce the desired result: Its new aid request for Fiscal Year 2008 is a carbon copy of past budgets, proposing a lop-sided three-quarters of aid for military programs like aerial crop spraying.

La verdad, el tema es por demás difícil. La planta que se mata, mata al campesino, la planta que produce, mata al ser humano. ¿Cómo romper ese vínculo?

A propósito del tema, hace poco escuché muy buenas críticas del documental “Cocalero”, de Alejandro Landes. En él se narran las viscicitudes de la vida en los cocales, los métodos de organización popular de los productores y la emergencia de Evo Morales como presidente de Bolivia. Les dejo el trailer.

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